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The VETGOESRURAL project is making progress in achieving its objectives

VET GOES RURAL Project (Innovating VET practices in isolated rural and remote regions of the EU), a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission 2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000024868, which brings together seven Partners from five countries (Spain, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Greece). The 'VETgoesRURAL' project aims to improve VET professionals' skills and capacities in order to provide enhanced training and foster learners' engagement in EU isolated rural and remote areas.

The project partners are currently working together to respond to the objectives set out in this project. During the process we have been obtaining very interesting results that provide relevant data to the context of adult education in the rural context. Among the actions planned in VETgoesRURAL, the consortium carried out research to know the current situation of adult education in rural and/or isolated areas. For this purpose, evaluation instruments (questionnaire, interviews and focus groups) were elaborated. Both learners, practitioners and stakeholders were interviewed. Among all the members of the consortium, the objectives were achieved, reaching 100 learners, 91 practitioners and 42 stakeholders. The results show the importance of working to improve training opportunities for people living in rural contexts and to focus efforts on removing barriers that hinder access to training. We invite you to review the detailed research report on the VETgoesRURAL website.

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